at Het Nieuwe Institute, Rotterdam
Graduation work
MFA Piet Zwart Institute
1. "Four Intruders Plus Alarm Systems" (Conditioner)
ink and gesso on raw canvas, 155 x 220 cm, 2019
2. sotto voce
folded paper, gluepaint, residue-drawings, size variable, 2019
3. Installation view
4. Untitled (Touch of Silver)
ink and beeswax on linen, framed, 36,8 x 53 cm, 2019
5. Installation view
6. Installation view
7. "Charity Never Faileth" (Dyptich)
paper, MDF, scotch tape, masking tape, tracing paper, wallpaint, watercolors, pencil, PVA glue, 244 x 260 cm, 2019
8. Installation view