Cala Polska
curated by Anna Mitus
at BWA Wroclaw Glowny, Wroclaw
13.12.2019 – 01.03.2020
1. Installation view
2. "Four Intruders Plus Alarm Systems", ink and gesso on canvas, 155 x 215 cm, 2019
3. For matters of indigestible fury, slogans and quotations, negative drawing on bookpages, wheatglue, thread, encaustic medium, screw clamps, 21 x 60 cm, 2019
4. detail (previous)
5. opening shot
6. H&L, ink and gesso on canvas, 120 x 59 cm, 2019
7. Untitled, gouache on linen, 200 x 105 cm, 2019
8. Ein Einser, Zwei Fünfer, ink on canvas assembly, 198 x 230 cm, 2019